AuthorTom Piatak

Tom Piatak writes from Cleveland, Ohio.

Swamp Creatures vs. Nuns


Yesterday, President Trump spoke at rallies in several states, including Ohio. At the Ohio rally, three young nuns, all wearing habits, were standing in the area behind the President. Given their placement behind Trump and their distinctive dress, they could not be missed. The sight proved more than at least one denizen of the Beltway could bear. Peter Vroom, a former Republican congressional...

Back to Canada


David Frum recently retweeted someone quoting him as saying, “It’s like ‘Seven Days in May,’ except this time the generals are the good guys.” “Seven Days in May,” of course, concerns a military coup against the President of the United States. Earlier, Frum rejected the argument advanced by Ted Cruz that Amy Coney Barrett should be confirmed so that the...

The Most Ethical Administration in History


Harry and Bess Truman drove back to Independence, Missouri and middle class life after Truman’s time in elective politics ended. The Obamas and Bidens went to mansions, millions richer than they had been. Tells you all you need to know about “the most ethical Administration in history.”

One more thing: Margaret Truman didn’t go to Sidwell Friends, either.

A Powerful Ad for Trump


David Frum, from his perch in the heart of the Beltway, is very excited that a substantial number of veterans of the George W. Bush White House have collaborated in an ad endorsing Joe Biden for President. For someone less consumed by hatred for Trump than Frum, however, different thoughts come to mind. Regardless of what its participants intend, the Bush alumni ad for Biden is a stark reminder...

The New Meaning of “Totalitarian”


Last night, at his televised townhall meeting, Joe Biden announced his belief that 8 year olds have the right to change their sex and that the governments of Poland and Hungary, elected by the majority of the Polish and Hungarian people to support the conservative, Christian values that have marked their history since the beginning of those nations, are “totalitarian.” For such as...

Well Done, Sir David!


A bit of good news: David Suchet is going to be knighted. His portrayal of Hercule Poirot was, simply, extraordinary. Not only was it unforgettable, it was profoundly good, as Suchet highlighted the best aspects of the character. Suchet’s Poirot is not a fussy egomaniac or eccentric genius, but a man whose unfailing courtesy blends seamlessly with an overarching kindness, decency, and...

Oh, I’m an Old Deplorable


A parody. To the tune of “I’m a Good Old Rebel.” Oh, I’m an Old Deplorable,Now that’s just what I am,And for this Rainbow nation, I do not give a damn,I’m glad I voted against her, I only wished we’d won,And I won’t beg forgiveness, for anything I done. I hate this PC nation, and everything they do,I hate the safe spaces, and LGBTQ,I hate diversity...



Decorousness is overrated. The politicians who lied us into a disastrous war in Iraq, a trade deal that devastated both manufacturing in the United States and peasant agriculture in Mexico, and the massive outsourcing of American manufacturing to China were generally quite decorous. They also did enormous damage to the United States, damage from which the country has yet to recover. Joe Biden was...

An Establishment Scorned


A friend of mine in a position to know told me a year ago that Donald Trump has received press coverage comparable to Nixon’s during Watergate for the entirety of his presidency. Consider that statement, and then consider just the last week. Add to that the hostility of the generals and the intelligence agencies. The many Bush, Romney, and McCain retainers supporting Biden. The continued...

Giving Catholic Cover to Roe v. Wade


The late John T. Noonan was, in many respects, a man of the Catholic left. He provided intellectual support for the argument that the Church had changed its teaching on usury, at least in part so that the Church could accommodate a world that was becoming capitalist. Noonan argued that this meant that the Church could also change its teaching on contraception. Noonan also defended Notre...

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