By Wayne Allensworth

A meme on social media is about a new political ad from the Democrats. In the ad, a guy is scrolling through pornography on his cell phone, only to be interrupted when the door bursts open and an ominous figure — The Man — comes in to end the fun. CENSORSHIP! The kind that matters to the sex-obsessed left. “They” — those mean, censorious Republicans — want to restrict your FREEDOM! I’d laugh if the whole charade wasn’t such a transparent case of psychological projection. Who is more censorious than the Nurse Ratched Democrats? Who is more anti-democratic than the Deep State operatives who tried to pull off the Russiagate coup? They are The Man. But in the Baby Boomer fantasy in which Democrat “activists” live, they are the underdogs combatting an oppressive “power structure.”
The pro-pornography globalist-leftist, neoconservative/neoliberal alliance seeks to remove every “barrier,” end every social restriction, break down all “patriarchal” social structures such as the family, church, and traditional morality. Anything that gets in the way of erasing nations. They seek to stigmatize a commonsense view of human limitations as “bigotry,” if not “fascism.” A trans-human corporate future of rule by managerial “experts” demands it. Their “end of history” requires the erasure of normal human attachments. Not to mention a rejection of reverence and a concomitant sense of humility. Every human activity, Bolshevik-style, is politicized.
That insatiable drive for absolute power is the sin of Milton’s Satan. It has lurked among us as long as human societies and traditional morality — what C. S. Lewis called “the Tao” — have existed. It is a Luciferian impulse to defy God, to do as we will, and if that’s not obtainable, to bring down the temple on us all. The ad mentioned above is of a piece with the abortion van at the Democratic National Convention, and Harris admonishing Christians shouting Christ’s name, telling them they were at the wrong rally. It’s borne out by polls. While practicing religious believers tend to favor Trump-Vance, the surveys show, something like 85 percent of atheists back Harris-Walz. The political divide could not be more pronounced. We are witnessing what is essentially a religious struggle.
It’s no good questioning the Catharist level of anti-natalism among “carbon footprint” fanatics on the left — a product of their post-modern Gnosticism — or the general anti-family, anti-child trend among the globalist Blob’s pod people. If you tell them that the end of children means the end of humanity, they just might say that’s a good thing. And we will all be dead in the long run anyway, right? Their mindset, or mindless set if you will, always ends in nihilism. As Iain McGilchrist has brilliantly explained, the Cathars and the globo-leftists are the same people, trapped by their Left Hemisphere ideological blinders in a distorted sense of reality.
The Democrats’ rejection of normality is partly fueled by a smug, condescending arrogance that is also a hallmark of professional atheists, who call themselves “the brights.” Scott Rasmussen of RMG Polling has noted the anti-democratic bent of a significant portion of the Democrats’ political base. Harris is fervently supported by left-leaning upper income professionals, especially those with postgraduate degrees. And, as Rasmussen noted (see the video below at the 18-21 minute mark), they don’t think the rest of us, especially those without college degrees, should be allowed to vote. They believe we have too much individual freedom. They believe parents have too much control over their children’s education. They believe the government should have the power to censor social media. And they tend to think many more people agree with them than actually do. More projection. As Rasmussen put it, they are wildly out of touch with the general public.
This non-reflective, self-referential elite has rejected the ideal of self-government. They want trained bureaucrats to run the country — and to be protected from voters. Class-based animosity runs deep. Not surprisingly, that attitude was reflected in the stonewalling that Donald Trump encountered from the Swamp during his first term. The Managerial regime is a reality.
A Trump victory would prompt the next round of the battle. The Swamp will no doubt react as it did previously. How far would the Swamp collective go to derail Trump and his movement? As noted in this space previously, your observer does not believe that politics in the traditional sense can go on:
Politics as we have understood it cannot continue. We are approaching a point where each election cycle becomes a systemic crisis. Only increasing authoritarianism can hold together a country that is no longer a nation. I am not sanguine about the prospects for an eventual mutual agreement on separation. That would require a reservoir of goodwill, and I see precious little of that. But I believe globalism will fail, and that may be our chance to go our own way, to build something new. In the meantime, our people must act opportunistically to take advantage of whatever openings present themselves for improving our situation. A political perfect storm might be brewing that could create an opening for a Trump-Vance administration to accomplish something positive.
A new GOP-based political coalition is taking shape. We’ll have to do the best we can with that. And even if we do eventually go our own way, we will have only just begun to fight the technological and psychological structures that have built and maintained the post-modern world.
Chronicles contributor Wayne Allensworth is the author of The Russian Question: Nationalism, Modernization, and Post-Communist Russia, and a novel, Field of Blood.
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