


Hershey’s Rewards Cross-dressing Man Lady With Advertisement, Real Women Fume


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American) One might have thought the tranny craze had reached apogee when USA Today risibly called Richard Levine, the assistant secretary of Health and Human Services who pretends he is a woman named “Rachel,” one of the newspaper’s women of the year. But alas, Hershey’s — yes, that Hershey’s — has done them one better. The candy conglomerate put a man...

TRanny Madness In U.S. Military Expands


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American) Joe Biden opened his madcap assault on the U.S. military when he appointed a cross-dressing man to run the Defense Department’s transition team. It worsened when he OK’d “transgenders” in the foxhole, and when his Pentagon underlings handed down rules on how to “treat” tranny “soldiers.” Those rules include forcing women to shower with tranny men. But now...

Report: Biden Ordered Destruction of Nord Stream Pipelines


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American) The United States destroyed Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea in September last year after a covert operation to plant explosives that President Joe Biden could detonate when he wanted, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh revealed yesterday. A source with deep knowledge of the covert operation disclosed the details for the former New...

FBI Searches Biden Beach House, Finds Nothing. When Does Bureau Search Hunter’s House?


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American) We knew the FBI had to search President Joe Biden’s summer home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, for classified documents. We just didn’t know when the federal sleuths would get on the job. They did. This morning. CBS News disclosed that G-Men snooped around for a few hours, found nothing, then left. They recently searched Biden’s home in Wilmington, and have...

Some Top Christian Eggheads Are Wrong About Christian Nationalism. History Supports It.


By Tom Piatak Stephen Wolfe, a Reformed Protestant, is under withering fire in certain Reformed circles for his book The Case for Christian Nationalism, in part because he quoted the late Sam Francis, perhaps the greatest conservative intellectual of the past 50 years. One of the ways the Pecksniffs of Protestantism targeted Wolfe was by ending the livelihood of Thomas Achord, Wolfe’s friend and...

USC: “Field” Is A Racist Word


R. Cort Kirkwood From The New American … If you thought leftist wokery had reached apogee when crackpots decided to replace the singular pronouns “he” and “she” with “they” to avoid offending the “gender-fluid” or “non-binary,” think again.  The University of Southern California’s School of Social Work has a message: “Hold my beer.” The latest from commie college is that “field” must be...

Twitter Files: Gov’t Conspired to Control, Influence Twitter; Colluded With Social Media Execs to Crush Free Speech


The FBI and Pentagon were just two of the federal agencies that used a never-ending stream of requests to Twitter executives to stop “misinformation” on the leftist social media platform, Matt Taibbi’s latest dump of Twitter files shows. Myriad agencies joined the censorship program. And as all those files show, Twitter’s leftist controllers — most notably hate-Trump homosexual Yoel...

A Polish Carol Reminded Me Of The Essence Of Christmas


By Tom Piatak No other time of year brings up memories and stirs up emotions as Christmas does.  This is simply a fact, as undoubted as the mortality of Marley at the beginning of Dickens’ immortal tale.  And the fact of Christmas’ emotional power suggests  another fact:  Its Divine origin. More so than any other time of year, Christmas is tied up with memory.  For me, a...

Tending Graves (Flowers on A CHristmas Wreath)


By Wayne Allensworth Outside, the windswept landscape is dotted with prickly pear and yucca plants and patches of green. Live oaks and cedars dot the pasturelands marked by grazing cattle, rusty barbed wire fences and lonely windmills and deserted county roads. The truck bed is full of Christmas wreaths. We are on our way to two graveyards. I’ve heard it said that there is more wisdom in sorrow...

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