


Twitter Files: Gov’t Conspired to Control, Influence Twitter; Colluded With Social Media Execs to Crush Free Speech


The FBI and Pentagon were just two of the federal agencies that used a never-ending stream of requests to Twitter executives to stop “misinformation” on the leftist social media platform, Matt Taibbi’s latest dump of Twitter files shows. Myriad agencies joined the censorship program. And as all those files show, Twitter’s leftist controllers — most notably hate-Trump homosexual Yoel...

A Polish Carol Reminded Me Of The Essence Of Christmas


By Tom Piatak No other time of year brings up memories and stirs up emotions as Christmas does.  This is simply a fact, as undoubted as the mortality of Marley at the beginning of Dickens’ immortal tale.  And the fact of Christmas’ emotional power suggests  another fact:  Its Divine origin. More so than any other time of year, Christmas is tied up with memory.  For me, a...

Tending Graves (Flowers on A CHristmas Wreath)


By Wayne Allensworth Outside, the windswept landscape is dotted with prickly pear and yucca plants and patches of green. Live oaks and cedars dot the pasturelands marked by grazing cattle, rusty barbed wire fences and lonely windmills and deserted county roads. The truck bed is full of Christmas wreaths. We are on our way to two graveyards. I’ve heard it said that there is more wisdom in sorrow...

Twitter Worked With Pentagon On Psy-Ops And Propaganda


By R. Cort Kirkwood Twitter not only was the FBI’s willing handmaiden in censorship, but also helped the U.S. Defense Department manage its propaganda and psychological warfare operations. Twitter did so, journalist Lee Fang explained in Part 8 of the Twitter Files, despite its long-standing claim that it stopped governments from using the platform to manipulate the public. Along with...

FBI Paid Twitter To Censor Americans


By R. Cort Kirkwood So Twitter wasn’t just a “subsidiary” of the FBI, as the Twitter Files Part 6 revealed. It was a handsomely paid subsidiary, which might explain why it acted so quickly to crush the Hunter Biden laptop story at the FBI’s behest. From Michael Shellenberger’s Twitter Files Part 7, we now know that the FBI pushed Twitter to suppress the laptop story when it almost...

CNN Producer Pleads Guilty In Child Molestaton Case


By R. Cort Kirkwood The former high-level CNN producer who was accused of running a coast-to-coast child-rape scheme has pleaded guilty in federal court to sexually assaulting a nine-year-old-girl that he lured to Vermont. John Griffin, one-time right hand man to former CNN leftist big mouth Chris Cuomo, paid the girl’s mother more than $3,000 for sex with the child. The arrest was a major blow...

Biden Freak Show Loses Cast Member: Bald Sadist Brinton Fired After Luggage Thefts


R. Cort Kirkwood The nation’s nuclear waste program will no longer be in the hands of a bald, mustachioed weirdo who wears dresses, heels, and lipstick to his job at the Energy Department. The Department has fired Sam Brinton, deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition, because he has been charged twice with stealing luggage from airport carousels. The light...

Thanksgiving Day


By Wayne Allensworth If you live long enough and pay attention you learn some things. Every day could be your last. That abiding truth concentrates the mind. Every day should be thanksgiving. Thank God you were born. You can factor in all the pain, all the sorrow, all the disappointment, yet still find that it’s worth it. Living is better than not having lived. And the pain can be overcome...

Are Globalists Contemplating Direct Intervention in Ukraine?


By Wayne Allensworth Your humble servant has noted on this website that the NATO war against Russia can no longer be considered a “proxy” war. It has become evident that NATO is deeply involved in command and control, intelligence, targeting, and sending lots of advisors to take part in tactical planning and operations in the Ukraine war. What’s more, the Ukrainian “Foreign Legion” is loaded with...

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