Hunter Biden Had Spy Inside FBI, Memo Details Payments to Biden Mafia


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American)

Hunter Biden had a spy inside the FBI who tipped off his Chinese business partners about investigations into their shady if not illegal activities, and the Israeli man who knows the story about the renegade G-man — or woman — is in jail.

Gal Luft, once a lieutenant colonel in the Israeli army with connections to U.S. and Chinese intelligence, the New York Post has reported, says U.S. authorities arrested him because he wants to reveal yet another aspect of Hunter Biden’s global influence-peddling and get-rich-quick schemes.

And last week, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability divulged just how Chinese money wound up in the Biden Mafia’s coffers. Indeed, the committee revealed someone who was, until now, apparently a silent beneficiary of the outfit’s planetary grift: Hallie Biden, Joe Biden’s daughter-in-law. She was the late Beau Biden’s wife who took up with Hunter for a few years.

With the Bidens, it’s all in the family.

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R. Cort Kirkwood

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