Garland Has Conflict. Son-In-Law Runs Company That Pushes CRT


By R. Cort Kirkwood (The New American)

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has a very good reason to sic the FBI on angry parents who oppose school boards that peddle Critical Race Theory: His son-in-law’s company makes millions helping shove CRT down the throats of kids in 23,000 schools.

Garland’s daughter, Rebecca, is married to Xan Tanner, who co-founded an outfit called Panorama, which provides psychological surveys that help sell the toxic curricula. Squelching opposition to CRT with threats of FBI surveillance and federal prosecution, as Garland did on October 4, would ease the way for school boards to adopt CRT and other subversive material. And, of course, muzzling parents will keep the money rolling in to Panorama.

No wonder three GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee say Garland has a major conflict of interest.

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R. Cort Kirkwood

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By R. Cort Kirkwood

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