Conservatives Get It Wrong Again, This Time on the Bombing In Kabul


A Facebook group called “The Committed Conservative” offered this assessment of the Marines and other Americans murdered today in Kabul:

All 12 of the American soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan today would be alive but for the fact that Joe Biden PERSONALLY ignored ALL of our intelligence agencies who warned this would happen and ALL of his military and national security advisors who advised him not to pull out so quickly. He arrogantly believed he one better than ALL of them. The blood of these American soldiers is on Joe Biden’s hand. His incompetence and arrogance got them killed. He needs to resign or be removed IMMEDIATELY.

This is my answer:

1. President Biden is not going to resign or be removed. Discussing it is pointless unless the GOP takes the House and Senate next year. That’s possible, but you can always count on the Stupid Party to lose a winning hand. And even if they take Congress, they might not have the stones to impeach and remove him.

2. Those Marines and other service members would be alive if we hadn’t gotten into this 20-year-long nightmare thanks to George W. Bush. They would be alive if they hadn’t been there in the first place. So no, it’s not solely Puddin’head Biden’s fault. Indeed, he did the right thing in pulling out, even if he executed it like the non compos mentis moron that he is. He’s responsible yes; but there’s plenty of blame to go around.

3. That blame starts with Bush and his global strategery. The idea among our neocon, globalist, and Deep State elites — from Bush, to the Lunatic McCain, to Obama to China Joe — that we would turn illiterate Afghan tribesmen into “transgender”-loving, gay-marriage supporting, Biden-voting Democrats who could run for the San Francisco School Board, was beyond stupid.

We should have launched a brutal retaliatory airstrike on 9-12, assassinated every Taliban leader we didn ’t kill in the air raid, then focused on hunting down bin Laden until we killed him.⁠

The massive expenditure of blood and treasure was unnecessary. Not a single American should have died on the ground in that horrible place.

About the author

R. Cort Kirkwood

1 comment

  • Re: 3. That blame starts with Bush and his global strategery…. We should have launched a brutal retaliatory airstrike on 9-12, assassinated every Taliban leader we didn ’t kill in the air raid, then focused on hunting down bin Laden until we killed him.⁠

    Well no, that does not peel back the onion of Washington arrogance and stupidity quite far enough. The blame starts with the U.S. mucking around the dystopian Islamic sandboxes in the Middle East and SWA in the first place. No War Machine squatting in the ME/SWA, along with not being a political/economic front for the Israelis, then no terrorist attacks on the U.S. And no need for brutal retaliation. As Dr. Ron Paul notes, it’s a “blowback” thing.

    Suggest referring to the foreign policy advocated by President Washington in his brilliant Farewell Address as a starting point for connecting the dots of the current pathological U.S. foreign policy.

By R. Cort Kirkwood

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