Congress Should Investigate Bernstein


By R. Cort Kirkwood

Headline: Bernstein Calls on Congress to Investigate Trump.

You don’t say?

I call on Congress to investigate Carl Bernstein, a Red Diaper Baby whose mother and father were disloyal communists, the equally disloyal New York Times reported of Bernstein’s admission of his family’s subversive activities:

Starting in 1942, the Federal Bureau of Investigation put the family under surveillance, which became a full-scale investigation, which became harassment — especially after 1947, as Alfred Bernstein represented hundreds of Government employees whose jobs were at risk as a result of the loyalty-security program initiated by President Harry Truman. Between 1947 and 1951 the senior Bernstein appeared before Congressional committees five times. Mrs. Bernstein also appeared, drawing the headline ”D.C. Housewife Takes the Fifth” following a summons from the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1954. In 1951 Alfred Bernstein’s union was expelled from the Congress of Industrial Organizations and he entered the laundry business. He later worked for the National Conference of Christians and Jews.

Why did Mama Bernstein take the Fifth? And why his old man’s union expelled from the CIO?

Any guesses?

About the author

R. Cort Kirkwood

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By R. Cort Kirkwood

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