
The End of Men or the End of Humanity?


By Wayne Allensworth To be wise is to suffer—Sophocles, Oedipus Rex For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow—Ecclesiastes 1:18 Readers sometimes tell me that my articles are depressing. So be it. Nobody likes to hear bad news. There are lots of things that, under certain circumstances, one is perhaps better off not knowing. But maybe...

The End of Men Part II


 Sexual Economics and the Technological/Social Nexus By Wayne Allensworth My paternal grandfather was a boilermaker. When I was a boy, he made his living working with an oxy-acetylene gas torch, used to cut through steel plates, and an arc welder, used in fabricating the boilers, pipes, and other objects manufactured at the plant where he worked in Houston, Texas. He had learned his trade...

Today’s Generation Gap Is Not The Fault Of The Young


By Wayne Allensworth You baby boomers out there will remember the “generation gap” of the 1960’s-70’s, that invisible psychological barrier between many, but far from all, parents and grandparents and what was called “the younger generation.” We had what was known at the time as “a failure to communicate.” Whether it was race, religion, Vietnam, the role of the state, religion, or, most of all...

Russia and Ukraine are Mirror Images of One Another (Navalny’s death—and Gonzo Lira’s)


By Wayne Allensworth Russian opposition figure Aleksey Navalny has reportedly died in a Russian penal colony. Undoubtedly, Western MSM will jump at the chance to again call Vladimir Putin a murderous dictator. Whether that’s true or not has nothing to do with us. What happens in Russia and Ukraine has nothing to do with us, as I observed earlier. Our interests are elsewhere. What’s more...

What Happens in Ukraine Is None of Our Business. Some Questions and Answers on a War Few Know Anything About


By Wayne Allensworth After observing with some amusement—and a great deal of frustration—the Internet blathering about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin, I decided to do a brief question/answer piece on the Russia-Ukraine imbroglio and what it means for us, the American Remnant. I couldn’t come close to covering every point, but I have posted a number of articles on this website on...

It’s Now or Never, Governor (Again on the Border Crisis)


By Wayne Allensworth Texas Governor Greg Abbott may be forced to make a decision very soon on how he wants to be remembered, as I wrote in my previous piece. He can either make a stand and assert our right of self-defense, or he can fold and deserve the ignominy that will be his legacy. The question concerns Abbott’s reaction should Joe Biden order the border patrol to attempt to get through...

Abbott Says He Will Defy Court Ruling. But Will He Stick To His Guns?


By Wayne Allensworth From Fox News:  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is pushing back and adding more razor wire to the border fence after Monday’s Supreme Court ruling that the border patrol can remove the wire along the southern border. So far, the border patrol in the borderland has not cut down any of the razor wire. In the meantime, Abbott says he won’t back down despite the Supreme Court’s...

The Serpent’s Teeth (Civilization and Technology)


By Wayne Allensworth “Sic transit mundus” (Brother Joshua in A Canticle for Liebowitz) In 1959’s A Canticle for Leibowitz, author William M. Miller’s story suggests a series of questions that are as pressing now as they were during the Cold War, when a nuclear apocalypse was very much on the collective mind of the world: Is civilization possible without the continuing advancement of...

The Dogs of War


By Wayne Allensworth In Act 3, Scene 1 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Marc Antony, alone with the body of the murdered Caesar, pledges to avenge his death. He speaks of the coming bloody war, and the horrors to come: Blood and destruction shall be so in use,And dreadful objects so familiar,That mothers shall but smile when they beholdTheir infants quartered with the hands of war,All pity...

The Idea of Progress and the American Dilemma


By Wayne Allensworth The idea of progress holds that mankind has advanced in the past … is now advancing and will continue to advance through the foreseeable future… The idea of progress is a synthesis of the past and a prophecy of the future. It is inseparable from a sense of time flowing in a unilinear fashion. — Robert Nisbet, History of the Idea of Progress The 21st Century has been...

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