
Bye, Bob (Bob Newhart, R.I.P.)


by Tom Piatak   As a child of the 1970s, Saturday nights on CBS were a delight. Theyfeatured The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Bob Newhart Show.The first was the first prime time TV show I remember liking. The second I eventually came to like even more. I found Newhart, who played psychologist Robert Hartley—knownuniversally on the show as “Bob”—to be instantly likable. I also found the weekly...

Vance Goes There: America is not an Idea


By Wayne Allensworth Yes, it was just a speech, and Vance is a politician, but he went to the core of the problem we face in the political realm in his remarks at the Republican National Convention: Vance was heartfelt and, I believe, sincere in what he said last night. America is not an abstraction, we shouldn’t be asked to fight and strive and die for abstractions, but instead for a place and a...

The End of Innocence


By Wayne Allensworth That time is past,And all its aching joys are now no more   — William Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey Sometime in the 1990s I admitted to myself that a return to our golden age, however one might imagine it, could never happen. Not a golden age, not even a silver one. A baser metal would have to serve.  In researching my book, The Russian Question: Nationalism...

War and Remembrance (The Good War and the Bloody Shirt)


By Wayne Allensworth If there be any glory in war, let it rest on men like these  — Dedication to Audie Murphy’s To Hell and Back The elaborate and politicized commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy, held on a bluff overlooking what had been Omaha Beach on that momentous day, provoked a wave of memories and emotions in me that I had not anticipated...

Goodbye, Mr. Bond


By Wayne Allensworth You only live twice Once when you are born And once when you look death in the face —  James Bond, after Japanese poet Basho in You Only Live Twice My first encounter with James Bond at the movies was quite memorable, partly because I was trying to watch Goldfinger from the backseat of our family car at Thunderbird Drive-in in Houston, Texas, and partly because my...

As I Remember (A Free for All)


By Wayne Allensworth We established this website to chronicle the past as well as the tumultuous times we live in. My great grandmother left behind written reminisces about her early life, and before mass media had completely stamped out storytelling, we heard stories of our family’s past from our parents, grandparents, and other older relatives. The rate of change, driven in part by technology...

Please Support American Remnant


Please consider supporting American Remnant: A green “Donate Today” button has been added at the end of each article (Near the comments section) appearing on the website. If you value what AR is doing, please consider supporting the website financially. $5, $10, or any amount that you can afford. Regular donations would especially be appreciated. Thank you!

An Obsolete Alliance Turns 75


by Wayne Allensworth My most recent article for Chronicles… The next summit meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is set for July of this year in Washington, D.C., following the 75th anniversary of the alliance’s founding on April 4. The organization’s leading lights will discuss “important issues” and “provide strategic direction” for NATO. The NATO website also explains...

The End of Men Part II


 Sexual Economics and the Technological/Social Nexus By Wayne Allensworth My paternal grandfather was a boilermaker. When I was a boy, he made his living working with an oxy-acetylene gas torch, used to cut through steel plates, and an arc welder, used in fabricating the boilers, pipes, and other objects manufactured at the plant where he worked in Houston, Texas. He had learned his trade...

The Trophy (An Essay on Ritual and Understanding)


By Wayne Allensworth The trophy hangs in my office nowadays. When I was a boy at home, for a time it faced my bed. The black centered eyes gazed at me at night, the head looking wise somehow. The thick neck. The “points” of its wide antlers. The ears seemingly on alert. It had hung in our kitchen when I was very young, just over the kitchen table. The kitchen was small, as was the...

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