TagMiddle American resistance

A Manner of Speaking: Language, Technology, and Culture


By Wayne Allensworth I’ve always known there were dogs that wouldn’t hunt, and that you should let sleeping dogs lie. I’ve walked in high cotton, bit off more than I could chew, kept tabs on something or someone, had to be careful what I’ve wished for more than once, and have been disturbed to find the fly in the buttermilk (or ointment). Your humble servant is always fixing to do...

The Rule of the Wolves (A Memorial Day Message)


By Wayne Allensworth The deer have spotted me. They freeze for an instant, then go about their business, even as their eyes are subtly fixed on the human figure in the distance. I slowly move away from them, and they trot off into the distance. I come out to watch them in the mornings, their ever present, subtle grace, the stately solitude of their presence. The only sound the cooing of the dove...

Biden moves to undercut Abbott at the Border, but DeSantis is ready to help


By Wayne Allensworth The Biden administration is opening the floodgates at the rapidly dissolving U.S. border with Mexico. And the White House is moving to undercut Texas Governor Abbott’s pledge to “repel” the invaders at the Rio Grande: I asked the Texas National Guard if this is one of their soldiers who opens the gate for the group of migrants. They tell me she is NOT a TX soldier & is...

Abbot says Texas Will “Repel” Invasion—Bring it On!


By Wayne Allensworth On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott deployed a new “tactical border force” to the border in order to “repel” aliens attempting to illegally enter Texas. Abbott told Fox News that “We’re deploying today a new Texas tactical border force made up of elite National Guard who are specifically trained for one thing. And that is to identify areas illegal immigrants are trying to...

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