Tagborder and immigration

Globalist Blowback and the End of America


By Wayne Allensworth As it appears the Israelis are gearing up for a ground campaign in Gaza, threatening a general war in the Middle East that could draw American fighting men into the festivities, it’s time to assess just what America has at stake at home relative to its already overextended foreign commitments. It’s now becoming clear that “MAGA” was always an illusion. “America First” was the...

Our War is Not in the Middle East


By Wayne Allensworth Our latest mass media distraction is the deluge of news about the fighting between the Israelis and Hamas. Hamas terrorists have taken hostages, and there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth in Washington about “Israel’s right to exist.” The American public has been conditioned to react to whatever crisis the Blob considers to be of great import — or at least useful...

We Can’t Vote Ourselves out of This: Organizing Middle American Resistance


By Wayne Allensworth Chronicles magazine has published a symposium in its latest issue on the state of the union. Editor Paul Gottfried contributed a piece which calls for something closely resembling what myself and my colleague R. Cort Kirkwood at our American Remnant website have called “internal secession,” separating ourselves as much as possible from the globalist regime. Dr. Gottfried...

Nice Has Nothing to do With It (Immigration and Assimilation)


By Wayne Allensworth I was strolling around the campus of a major state university not so many years ago. Along the way, I committed what has become a cardinal sin in our brave new globalized world—I noticed something that stood out like a man in a three-piece suit in a 21st century supermarket. What I noticed was that the student body didn’t look very American. I saw lots of representatives of...

Terminally Nice America


By Wayne Allensworth Some thoughts prompted by viewing the movie The Sound of Freedom… Observing post-American life is something like watching a train wreck. Some of you may remember those disaster movies of the 1970s — Earthquake, The Poseidon Adventure, The Towering Inferno, and on and on. Disaster movies and horror films. There was the giant-critters-will-eat-you genre — think Jaws — and...

The Panic Channel


By Wayne Allensworth It’s easy to push the proverbial “panic button” these days. Just turn on your TV, scan the “news” on the Internet, or watch any popular movie released in recent years, or decades for that matter. Take TV, for example, beginning with something as seemingly innocuous as The Weather Channel. From what I can gather from a quick web search, The Weather Channel was launched in 1982...

Biden moves to undercut Abbott at the Border, but DeSantis is ready to help


By Wayne Allensworth The Biden administration is opening the floodgates at the rapidly dissolving U.S. border with Mexico. And the White House is moving to undercut Texas Governor Abbott’s pledge to “repel” the invaders at the Rio Grande: I asked the Texas National Guard if this is one of their soldiers who opens the gate for the group of migrants. They tell me she is NOT a TX soldier & is...

Abbot says Texas Will “Repel” Invasion—Bring it On!


By Wayne Allensworth On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott deployed a new “tactical border force” to the border in order to “repel” aliens attempting to illegally enter Texas. Abbott told Fox News that “We’re deploying today a new Texas tactical border force made up of elite National Guard who are specifically trained for one thing. And that is to identify areas illegal immigrants are trying to...

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