TagMiddle American resistance

What to Make of All This? (Some thoughts on the current scene)


By Wayne Allensworth I’m trying to keep my head above water in the flood of information about recent events spurting out of mass media, including social media, and here are some thoughts that have crossed my mind: Judging by what the investigation into the Trump assassination attempt has come up with so far — that Thomas Matthew Crooks was a loner, was bullied at school, posted a creepy message...

Vance Goes There: America is not an Idea


By Wayne Allensworth Yes, it was just a speech, and Vance is a politician, but he went to the core of the problem we face in the political realm in his remarks at the Republican National Convention: Vance was heartfelt and, I believe, sincere in what he said last night. America is not an abstraction, we shouldn’t be asked to fight and strive and die for abstractions, but instead for a place and a...

A Few Thoughts on the Trump Assassination Attempt


By Wayne Allensworth Initial reports on an event of this magnitude are usually garbled or erroneous, and we will undoubtedly learn more about what took place in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday soon enough. But, as of Monday morning, there is enough to go on to offer some preliminary thoughts. Trump probably put this election away by surviving the attack and showing some grit in doing so. The...

Ideology Skews Foreign Policy


By Wayne Allensworth Professor John Mearsheimer is a leading proponent of a realist foreign policy based on national interests and maintaining a balance of power among the major countries. In the video below, however, Professor Mearsheimer admits that the theory, which assumes that the great powers act according to a realist view of the world, doesn’t always work. A number of wildcards can skew...

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Please consider supporting American Remnant: A green “Donate Today” button has been added at the end of each article (Near the comments section) appearing on the website. If you value what AR is doing, please consider supporting the website financially. $5, $10, or any amount that you can afford. Regular donations would especially be appreciated. Thank you!

After the Apocalypse (Reflections on the Present Crisis)


By Wayne Allensworth I was waiting to pick up my order at a popular BBQ restaurant near my home on a weekend afternoon. It turned out to be quite an eye-opening experience. Or it would have been if I were shocked or surprised by anything these days. I found myself people-watching in a sort of weary, resigned fashion, as strange specimens of humanity made their way in and out of the place. At...

The End of Men or the End of Humanity?


By Wayne Allensworth To be wise is to suffer—Sophocles, Oedipus Rex For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow—Ecclesiastes 1:18 Readers sometimes tell me that my articles are depressing. So be it. Nobody likes to hear bad news. There are lots of things that, under certain circumstances, one is perhaps better off not knowing. But maybe...

Texas Memories on Independence Day


by Wayne Allensworth March and April are special months for true Texans. March 2 is Texas Independence Day. March 6 is Alamo Day. And April 21 marks Sam Houston’s victory over Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto. Being a Texan has always been the bedrock of my identity. I’m an American because I’m a Texan. And my boyhood memories are full of Texas Independence Day commemorations...

Today’s Generation Gap Is Not The Fault Of The Young


By Wayne Allensworth You baby boomers out there will remember the “generation gap” of the 1960’s-70’s, that invisible psychological barrier between many, but far from all, parents and grandparents and what was called “the younger generation.” We had what was known at the time as “a failure to communicate.” Whether it was race, religion, Vietnam, the role of the state, religion, or, most of all...

Russia and Ukraine are Mirror Images of One Another (Navalny’s death—and Gonzo Lira’s)


By Wayne Allensworth Russian opposition figure Aleksey Navalny has reportedly died in a Russian penal colony. Undoubtedly, Western MSM will jump at the chance to again call Vladimir Putin a murderous dictator. Whether that’s true or not has nothing to do with us. What happens in Russia and Ukraine has nothing to do with us, as I observed earlier. Our interests are elsewhere. What’s more...

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